Category Archives: Prophetic Word

Prophetically Speaking, Your Time is NOW!

Well, (Gulp!) here I go: I will be (attempting ) Live Streaming tomorrow as I preach at a Multi Cultural, Multi Lingual Church in Upstate NY- and I will be preaching in Spanish AND English for the first time, and then getting translated into CREOLE!! This is a momentous occasion, for many reasons. And one of the reasons has to do with Something spoken to me in my Past, having to do with my Future, which Today is about to happen! If that sounds a bit confusing, welcome to the world of the prophetic.

First, I share this turning point in my life both boldly and humbly at the same time- because I am not proficient in Spanish at all. I’d say I have a conversational ease in Spanish of a toddler lol. It’s been years since I’ve spoken it as a second language when I studied in Spain. And even then I struggled with the pronunciation and the somewhat awkward lisping dialect. But with the help of my son and some great tools online for translation, I figured out how to fully translate my sermon and am ready to preach it in this multi cultural setting.

An International Speaking Ministry??

Years ago I had several different people come up to me and prophetically give me words about being a spokesperson for the Lord and an International Speaker. At that time I was mainly teaching Women’s Bible Studies and speaking at Women’s Retreats. The audience was sometimes a bit multi cultural but at no time did I venture into teaching or preaching in any language other than English. There was nothing “international” about those events I did.

But I began to realize, over the years that I’ve done mainly speaking at Churches and Retreats in the Northeast, that I don’t have to passively wait till that prophetic word comes to pass. That maybe God wants me to participate proactively in seeing that word come to pass. That maybe we need to call forth the dreams we’ve had from God and start stepping into them- as awkwardly and bumbling as we may be attempting to do.


I’m sharing this scary adventure to encourage anyone wanting to step out in Faith and do something for the Name of Jesus and for the millions of people that He loves and wants to reach. He wants to reach them where they are, in their language they understand.

And I want to do my part – even if I’m fumbling and misspronouncing words- because I’ve got a Savior who sees my heart, and cares about my motive more than He cares about my method. He also cares about His Word and His Words, being fulfilled in our lives.

Prophetically, it’s a miracle the way God works it out and causes something spoken long ago to come to pass. But prophetic words also require an act of faith on our part, our cooperation, our voice, and even our footsteps – as we walk into the unknown, ready to partner with God in doing surprising and scary and yet effective missions of love, all for the glory of God.