
Listen, dear friend, I’m a bit of a fireball. And we need the power of the Holy Spirit more than ever! I’m also known as a prophetic evangelist, truth teller, house renovator, relationship coach, wife, mother of two creative, intelligent young adults…the list goes on. I speak and write compassionately and passionately about real life struggles, real relationship issues, and real hope.

I’m a former contributing writer to Christian Mingle BELIEVE, writing about Dating, Marriage, Family and Faith. Relationships matter– they hurt us, help us,  define us and stretch us.  I love to see God at work in our relationships, bringing healing and redemption. That’s why I love to write Devotionals, Bible Studies, Sermons, and …love stories.  I’m in the process of preparing to self publish  my novel, EXPECTING YOU– a story of a young married couple battling infertility and despair, a reclusive neighbor soul-crushed with a secret grief, and the honest friendships that provoke us to transparency, and ultimately back to the heart of love. Set in a picturesque New England town touched by ocean breezes, it’s an uplifting story of love and loss, grief and hope.

Let me share my own love story too: my husband (sometimes known as Safety Bill) is truly my best friend (and it doesn’t hurt that he does the pots and pans for me when I hide them in the oven). We’ve been married for over 38 years now, and in his reassuring words to me when we first got married, “It only gets better!” Bill, an ordained minister with a MDiv from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, has a passion for Church Health, even more than Church Growth. Together we have pastored in New England, and have ministered in churches, adult classes, seminars and retreats. We also do marriage coaching for couples in crisis and love to see God at work in bringing two people back to His heart and the good future He has for them.

I believe there’s never a situation that God can’t enter into and redeem- and that has to do with the health of our Nation as well!  I love to preach at churches crying out for renewal and revival, and to encourage women at retreats and seminars.  Stay tuned for updates on my series SUNLIGHT IN DARK PLACES and NOTHING CAN KEEP YOU DOWN, as I work on getting these seminars into book form and out to a hurting world.

On a light hearted note, for some fun and heart to heart talks, stop by at my YouTube channel, LIFE LOVE LESSONS— a Mother-Daughter Relationship Advice channel where my now 28 year old daughter, Abby, and I talked about Dating, Love, Marriage, and other topics that you don’t want to miss out on. Bloopers, transparency, and lots of laughter are included.

Above all, know that whatever I share, I share from a perspective of reality and prophetic hope:

My Motto? Be Unshockable. People have burdens and complex situations they need to share. Be ready to handle the truth of their reality. Be ready to listen…with grace.

My Approach? Share your story first and let people in. People learn best when they know you are learning about God’s grace along with them. Be transparent.

My Goal: Communicate a powerful message of hope that revitalizes a nation, stabilizes a rocky relationship, encourages a weary soul, and challenges others to journey onward with God!



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